Just call me “disabled” because disability isn’t a dirty word – by Zoe Simmons

23 March 2025

Disabled people represent 20% of Australia’s population, and yet, despite being it 2025, I’d say a lot of people still feel uncomfortable when it comes to talking about disability. As a disabled person, I can say this, because I experience it often, despite how powerful it was for me to actually identify as disabled.

Navigating Assistive Technology for Neurodivergence: A Personal Perspective – by Michelle Worthington

16 March 2025

As a late-diagnosed autistic woman with ADHD and OCD, navigating life has often felt like solving a puzzle without the picture on the box. Adding to that, I am also a carer for my two autistic children, one now 23 and the other 10, which means I’ve witnessed first-hand how much support, understanding, and technology have evolved over the years.

Reflections on the Paris Paralympics Part 2 – by Susan Seipel

06 March 2025

My Paris Paralympic campaign was going to plan until I tested positive for Covid after the opening ceremony.


Summer Cruising to the Land of the Long White Cloud – by Lindsay Nott

09 February 2025

Visiting New Zealand, the "Land of the Long White Cloud," had always been a bucked list of mine. Recently, I had the chance to turn that dream into a reality aboard the Diamond Princess with Princess Cruises. This 14-day roundtrip cruise from Brisbane was the perfect way to experience New Zealand’s beauty, with stops in Fiordland National Park (including Milford Sound), Dunedin, Wellington, Tauranga, and Auckland.

Till the wheels fall off – by Alicia Kapa

02 February 2025

Running marathons is one thing, but running marathons while pushing a wheelchair is another.  You may wonder who would be crazy enough to do that, well let me tell you my dad is!! My dad and I have been running together for about 2 years with the Christchurch Marathon being our annual event.

One size/fidget spinner doesn’t fit all – by Ferris Knight

26 January 2025

When shopping for jeans you have a few expectations. One is that they’re sorted out by style and colour (your millennial friend here is still partial to acid-wash skinny jeans). Then you expect they’re organised by size, allocated by weird numbers. And even then, you don’t expect that you will necessarily fit you assume into them because all cut them differently, maybe at the waist, hip, or leg or length. Every day, you expect that the world isn’t cut in one particular way, and that it’s not a case of right or wrong but that different jeans fit different people.

Footpath Frustrations - my experience with accessibility barriers during roadworks – by Natasha Astill

19 January 2025

Recently I have experienced some barriers when accessing the footpath while I am on my mobility scooter. 

In my local area near where I live, there were roadworks as they were upgrading the stormwater drainage. The council did notify the community back in September 2024 that they were going to start this project soon. 

Fast forward to December 2024 a few weeks until Christmas they decided to start the project.

No Strings Attached: The Reality of Living Life My Way – by Marlena Katene

12 January 2025

It was recommended I watch a movie the other day on Disney, “Out of My Mind”.


05 January 2025

When is the “right” time to start on that weight loss and fitness journey? With the New Year upon us, is this your time? From time to time I’ve tried most of the “Secrets” of weight loss and fitness - take this tablet! Have this meal replacement powder! Buy this machine!! Well, over the years I’ve done just about all of them – and that machine sat in the corner of my lounge room for ages and I never lost any weight!!

Expanding Society’s View of Disability: A Hidden Disability Perspective – by Anja Christoffersen

28 December 2024

Disability is a kaleidoscope. Even within each medical diagnosis, there is so much variation. As a community we are not homogenous, we are diverse. It feels like mainstream is the circle, and they’ve made disability a square – you must fit into either box, but ultimately everyone is shaped differently. 
