Why I am grateful - by Alicia Kapa

Life is full of lessons, some big, some small and some it’s up to us what we learn. For me, this year has been full of lessons that have made me stronger. One of these lessons that I have taken to heart is to live life to the fullest because you never know when it might be your last day.
Life can be tough, trust me I know but it is also full of blessings and things to be grateful for. Often the smallest things in life get forgotten such as a loving home, having loved ones around and even food. It is not until something happens that it reminds us that there are things to be grateful for all around us if we choose to see them.
A few weeks ago something happened that made me realise that life is something that should be celebrated every day whether it be little things or something significant. When you take on this mindset, it is amazing how much better life can be. Sure there are still going to be bad days and days you’re not going to feel the best but being aware of the things around you that are positive, makes the bad days that little bit easier.
For the last few weeks, I’ve been thinking of what I’m grateful for every day. Some could be the same as other days but that’s ok, other days it could be something really small such as pyjama days. At the end of the day, it’s not about what you’re grateful for, it’s being aware of everything you have because we never know when it might be over for us or someone we love.
About the author:
I am a born and raised young New Zealand Māori woman. I was born with cerebral palsy which affects my muscles but not my mind. I am just like any other young person who has dreams, and aspirations and enjoys having fun. I am in my fourth year at the University of Auckland studying Criminology and Māori Studies with dreams of one day working in the justice system. I have a YouTube channel called Wheely Wacky Adventures where my friend Leah and I share videos of our adventures such as skydiving and bungy jumping just to name a couple. I am full of life and ready to take on what comes for me.
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