Why I am freed by my chair, not bound - By Tyrone Cook

Every time I hear the words “wheelchair-bound”, I cringe as I get this vision of someone in their wheelchair with rope literally binding them to it and never getting out of it. I picture a little bucket under them to toilet in, the seat being waterproof because well, they would have to be able to have a shower and a place to put their pillow to sleep.
I am going to tell you that I am not “bound” to my power chair, in fact, I am the opposite…. I am FREED by it! If I didn’t have my power chair I would not be able to enjoy holidays away with family or friends, because I would be unable to walk far, and I would be in so much pain I would literally seize up. Without my chair, I would not have been able to hold down a job that I had for two and a half years nor would I be able to attend many conferences.
My power chair is as close to being my best friend, after my actual best friend. I have been on a cruise over in Australia with it, it’s been on buses, and this year it will be taking a trip on a train and maybe going down to Dunedin, this chair has even taken me around Mount Maunganui before a big storm made it unsafe for wheelchair users to access it.
I have played a really neat sport in my chair before my knee dislocated and I had to retire of fear of it happening during practice or a game (by the way, go give Powerchair Football a go, you won’t regret it!)
Nope, I am not bound by or to my chair, I am totally and completely freed by it!!
About the writer:
I am a 41-year-old man, who is born and raised in New Zealand. I have PHACES Syndrome which is very rare (there are only around 5 of us in NZ and I am the oldest we know of here), this affects my brain, senses, muscles, nervous system, vascular system, as well as the skeleton and connective tissue.
I have a Certificate in Social Services (Biculturalism), which helps me in my advocacy work, but I would love to work with children with special education needs. I write poetry, short stories and have written a song. I also paint and play a strong part in my Church community. I love knitting and music, anything related to space and cats, and my favourite show is Star Trek.
I was recently published in a book, telling my experience over lockdown as a person with a disability.
on you
Im Dependant on my walking stick, named Chuck because of MS, WhEelchairs take a lot skill.