I finished Uni! – by Alicia Kapa

I finally finished uni!! 4 and a half years later and I have a degree in a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Criminology and minoring in Māori Studies from the University of Auckland! Well, not officially because Covid has something against me and graduating because it’s been postponed 3 times but fingers crossed for March.
It’s been a long road but I am very happy I finished it! I have had some pretty cool memories with NTM (the Māori group) as well as some amazing experiences throughout the 4 and a half years. Some of these include America, Fiji, my South Island road trip, getting nominated for an Attitude award, getting my first job and so many more.
I have not changed much but at the same time, I have changed a lot. I entered university as an 18-year-old, fresh out of school and with no life experience, and I exited as a 22-year-old (now 23) with probably more life experience than I needed. I have learnt that life enjoys throwing me challenges and cancelling my plans - but that’s what chocolate and naps are for!
I don’t have many plans for this year, to be honest, I’m still working at Yellow which suits me for now as I still have time to enjoy life. I’d like to eventually get a job doing what I studied but I’m in no rush, I’m young and want to enjoy life before I have to work full time.
Oh and I almost forgot, I moved out! So that’s coming up in my next blog!!
About the author:
I am a born and raised young New Zealand Māori woman. I was born with cerebral palsy which affects my muscles but not my mind. I am just like any other young person who has dreams, aspirations and enjoys having fun. I am in my fourth year at the University of Auckland studying Criminology and Māori Studies with dreams of one day working in the justice system. I have a YouTube channel called Wheely Wacky Adventures where my friend Leah and I share videos of our adventures such as skydiving and bungy jumping just to name a couple. I am full of life and ready to take on what comes for me.
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