How to manage anxiety during the holidays – by Natasha Astill

16 December 2023

As you know the holiday season is quickly coming up. 

This year has flown by super quickly. 

Your mental health is super important. 

Some people can get a little anxious or stressed out during the holiday season. 

I am sharing my strategies that have helped me in the past as I experience anxiety and these strategies have helped. 

In no particular order, the strategies are: 

  • Going outside and getting some fresh air, for example, going for a walk. 
  • Listening to some music or a podcast that you like.
  • Do some mindfulness colouring. 
  • Do some meditation. 
  • Write what you are grateful for. 
  • Talk to someone.
  • Making your favourite meal or drink.


Some of the sayings that I say to myself when I am anxious are: 

“Everything will be ok”

“Focus on the things you can control” 

“And breathe”


I have also created a set of cue cards to remind me of what my strategies/sayings are to help me as it is important to me to know how to manage my anxiety levels.

I have let people know about my anxiety symptoms and strategies so they can be aware of when my anxiety levels might rise and they can give me prompts for example: 

“Have a look at your cards”

I know that some people might not want to be told when they need to go back to their strategies, but I personally know it is a good idea for me to know when I am anxious as sometimes I am completely unaware of my being in an anxiety state (that’s what I call it). 

Most importantly if you or someone is struggling make sure to talk to someone who you trust. Whether this be a family member or friend. 

You are not alone. 


About the author:

Natasha is a young woman who lives with an invisible disability, She is a disability advocate who brings awareness and education around disabilities. She shares her lived experiences on social media. She is also a mobility scooter user, her mobility scooters name is Speedy T. 

@wheeliefunadventures on Instagram and Facebook 

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