How to manage anxiety during the holidays – by Natasha Astill
As you know the holiday season is quickly coming up.
This year has flown by super quickly.
Your mental health is super important.
Some people can get a little anxious or stressed out during the holiday season.
I am sharing my strategies that have helped me in the past as I experience anxiety and these strategies have helped.
In no particular order, the strategies are:
- Going outside and getting some fresh air, for example, going for a walk.
- Listening to some music or a podcast that you like.
- Do some mindfulness colouring.
- Do some meditation.
- Write what you are grateful for.
- Talk to someone.
- Making your favourite meal or drink.
Some of the sayings that I say to myself when I am anxious are:
“Everything will be ok”
“Focus on the things you can control”
“And breathe”
I have also created a set of cue cards to remind me of what my strategies/sayings are to help me as it is important to me to know how to manage my anxiety levels.
I have let people know about my anxiety symptoms and strategies so they can be aware of when my anxiety levels might rise and they can give me prompts for example:
“Have a look at your cards”
I know that some people might not want to be told when they need to go back to their strategies, but I personally know it is a good idea for me to know when I am anxious as sometimes I am completely unaware of my being in an anxiety state (that’s what I call it).
Most importantly if you or someone is struggling make sure to talk to someone who you trust. Whether this be a family member or friend.
You are not alone.
About the author:
Natasha is a young woman who lives with an invisible disability, She is a disability advocate who brings awareness and education around disabilities. She shares her lived experiences on social media. She is also a mobility scooter user, her mobility scooters name is Speedy T.
@wheeliefunadventures on Instagram and Facebook
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