Are new year’s resolutions helpful or harmful? – by Eliza Ault-Connell AM

Who has already given up on a new year's resolution? Are resolutions we make helpful or harmful?
Each year many of us dream of the clock striking midnight and a new way of life with goals, dreams and ambitions kicking into overdrive. Are these resolutions helpful or harmful? Feeling like we have failed our new year's resolutions can be disheartening. It can make us feel like we just can't do or achieve something. This isn't actually the case. Often the issue isn't that the goal is too hard or too big but we have just not set ourselves up to succeed.
When we set goals it's important to consider the goal and how we measure its success and what supports we may or may not have in place to achieve the goal. It's great to set big goals of course but if we don’t have the tools, such as knowledge or support, it can set us up for failure.
Let's take a common goal that many of us have. "I want to get fit." What does this actually mean? How will we know when we achieve it? Who can we get to be on side help us with this goal? What do I need to learn or get more information about in order to achieve this goal?
Whilst we typically just want to dive deep into the action of getting fit and the "doing", it's important to take a step back and look at the "hows". Of course, it's important to action the goal with the motivation you have to achieve it, however, it would be like saying "I want to get my driver's license" and then sitting the test without taking lessons or studying and wondering why it's so hard (probably resulting in a big F from the assessor too).
A goal without a plan is purely just a dream or a wish. Being a creator of your own future with goals and plans will ensure that you have the best chance of succeeding and find the process of achieving your resolution or goal enjoyable and satisfying. So next time you have a resolution or a goal, take the time to think about the "how" and put a solid plan into place and get cracking!
About Eliza:
Eliza Ault-Connell AM, is a wife, mother of three, Para Athlete and lover of life. Born and raised in Sydney Australia, Eliza is a local area coordinator for a partner of the NDIS. Eliza is a passionate advocate for positive body image and diversity and inclusion. In her spare time, Eliza loves to be active, out on the water, up a mountain and taking in life. Currently, Eliza is keeping fit and taking some time away from elite racing competition.
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