Meet Jenny Smyth, a long term Invacare Australia/New Zealand customer

Hi, my name is Jenny Smyth. I have a Neuromuscular condition (NMC) which is slowly progressive, it affects my muscles and nerves.
Having this does not stop me from doing anything and I live life to the fullest! I am very independent and aim to keep my independence for as long as I can.
I use an Invacare TDX SP2 powerchair for my everyday mobility, which has power Tilt/Recline/Elevate on it to help with pressure relief and comfort.
From 1998 I’ve used an Invacare Arrow, TDX 5, TDX SR all with the Heavy Duty Gearless Brushless motors. My TDX SR is seven years old and has had no motor replacements. I’ve now just received a new TDX SP2 with 4 pole motors and so far it’s been great. I went for the TDX SP2 as my old chairs have worked for me and I want to stick with the chair that works and helps me maintain my independence.
A BIG thank you to Steve Burgess who set up my new TDX SP2 to enable me to carry on being independent in my home.
Over many years Invacare Australia/New Zealand and I have a good relationship, they help me and I help them. I was part of the TDX SR launch and provided many reviews.
I created an Invacare Forum on the internet for all people worldwide using Invacare equipment to discuss their equipment, concerns, ask questions and share how they are liking their equipment. There were a couple of techs that were able to help people with the questions and advice on what help to get if needed. The forum is not as active as it was but please check it out
I enjoy playing Powerchair Football, it’s a fun, competitive and a fast sport. I don’t have the proper Strike Force football powerchair but I did my own fundraising and got myself an Invacare Arrow. I needed an RWD powerchair and once I got that I got a guard made up for me which attaches to the front of the chair. My Arrow football powerchair provides me with some powerful spin kicks and distance passes to my teammates which makes it more fun. I’ve competed in Mini Tournaments with other clubs and really enjoy those.
Something else I enjoy doing is Adult Colouring. I like colouring a picture to make it pop out of the page with bright colours, doing black backgrounds and other colouring techniques.
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