Bathroom Breaks - by Ian Walker

09 May 2022

Hey everybody!

As a wheelchair user, I see my needs as being no different to anyone else’s in the wider community. In the same vein, living with any disability should be of no difference to anyone else’ living in the wider community either. Sadly, even appallingly, this is often not the case. So, when it comes to access to a bathroom, toilet, latrine, lavatory, restroom, commode, W.C., can, head, little boy’s/girl’s room, powder room, privy or any other name you wish to call it, why can’t we disabled people get a break?

The stories we can all attest to when it comes to the accessibility of bathrooms could be considered comical if it wasn’t so desperate! I have a few; the time I stayed at a new motel with a designated accessible unit, only the towels were hung on a rail above the bath – of course, I couldn’t reach them from my wheelchair. Then there’s that interminable spring loading of all outward opening doors to bathrooms that are so taught, even the roadrunner wouldn’t get through the gap quick enough before the door swung shut – that’s if you had sufficient strength to actually open the door in the first place!

How about those toilets where the mirror is perfectly placed at a height for those able to stand but for we wheelies, all we can see are the tops of our heads? The same can be said for paper towel dispensers that are also placed for those fortunate enough to stand but are a bridge too far for those of us who “prefer” to sit. Another pet peeve of mine is when you open the door to the disabled lavatory, wheel in and then have to turn, wheel back out of the room to grab the door handle so you can wheel backwards with one hand as the other is pulling the door closed.

There is one absolute gem of an accessibility issue with some disabled latrines and that is when you have to open the door inward, (not outward), then try and wheel in only to find there is insufficient room between the open door and the opposite wall to allow you to enter at all. Of course, there is not being able to access a disabled bathroom because it is being used by someone who is not disabled but uses it because the disabled toilet is there, was not being used, is bigger than a normal toilet cubicle or whatever other excuses/reasons they give for using ‘our’ toilet/bathroom.

There is another issue with a majority of disabled bathrooms that do include a shower and that is the provision of a wall-mounted fold-down bench seat. Normally this would be seen as a godsend for we wheelies, however, in this instance, the bench seat is usually made of hard plastic coated wooden or plastic slats. Not ideal a surface to sit on when you don’t have the usual ‘padding’ in your bottom as most other wheelies don’t. This means if I’m planning on using the shower at the gym or pool, I must take an additional towel. This is then folded over, and placed on the seat to provide some cushioning. Aligned to this issue is the provision of a toilet. In some cases, an actual designed disabled toilet is fitted, YAY! However, in most cases, it is just a bog-standard toilet with the usual non-padded toilet seat. I have, on occasions, sat on the normal plastic, or wooden, toilet seat as this was the only alternative, however, I now have a portable commode chair that when disassembled (easy to manage), fits into its own travel bag with wheels.

These examples I’ve above will no doubt resonate with most wheelies and/or they may have other instances or examples of accessibility issues they’ve faced when using a disabled bathroom, I would welcome all readers to post any other examples or frustration they have experienced in the comments section following this blog.

I would say there are solutions to all these issues and examples, and most would be if architects, building owners and contractors would adhere to their respective state, or countries' building standards:

NZS 4121:2001
Building Code Compliance – Public Accommodation

AS 1428.2-1992
Design for access and mobility, Part 2: Enhanced and additional requirements - Buildings and facilities

Another simple option would be to discuss with someone who has experience with disabled toilets, say a wheelchair user; ask them what they see as their minimum requirements for a disabled toilet/bathroom. I had, quite recently this very experience when the recreation centre facilities I used underwent a multi-million-dollar upgrade to not only the gym but to its changing and bathroom facilities. I got to give my ten cents worth which led to a handle being fitted on the inside of the ‘wider than usual’ door, the mirror sited so both a wheelie and those standing could use, a paper towel dispenser within easy reach, and room enough to complete a full turning circle in my Kuschall R33 wheelchair. Unfortunately, I couldn’t convince them to provide a padded bench or toilet seat. The reason? They couldn’t justify the additional expense as they weren’t specified in the relevant building code. This frustration does need to be looked at.

Whenever I’ve attended an outdoor function at a sports ground or on a street a great frustration and fear of mine is the worry of whether or not an accessible toilet that wheelies can access will be available. I’ve often discovered on a number of occasions there’s not always one provided. This is totally unacceptable! There needs to be a mindset change for all those who organise these events that fully accessible toilets are provided; they are readily available from hire companies. I’ve had the pleasure of having made available to me an accessible bathroom complete with toilet and shower (no padded seat), heater, heated towel rail and sink constructed on a double-axle trailer with ramp (see photos). This is a delight to use, believe me.

In conclusion, designating a toilet/bathroom as accessible is not just a label or sign placed on a door. It should be a provision of easy access, space, amenities that are disabled specific, and adherence to the relevant building standard – whilst being prepared to go that bit further to give true accessibility to those of us living with a disability. Isn’t it time, after all, that we finally got a break, a bathroom break?


About the author

Ian Walker is a C6 Quadriplegic Incomplete. Ian lives in Christchurch, New Zealand and has survived 2 separate spinal cord injury-related accidents over the past 14 years. He is a Motivational Speaker who talks about - how to face adversity, cycle road safety, living with a disability, and being a 1 percenter . . .

Ian also enjoys life coaching which he utilises through his business BMotiv8d, to assist those with a disability, (or without), who lack motivation, direction and/or confidence, those who feel disorganised or unfulfilled, and/or those who need encouragement or need to set priorities, on how to realise their true potential.

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